Nana Golden Beach acknowledges and respects the principles contained within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The hotel's policies reflect the Company's commitment to conducting its business in a manner consistent with these principles and to protect human rights within the company’s sphere of influence. As a responsible employer, Nana Golden Beach follows ethical workplace practices and endeavours to conduct its business operations in a manner which is free from complicity in human rights abuses. The Company’s core values and culture embody a commitment to ethical business practices and good corporate citizenship.
Nana Golden Beach is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, religion, creed, age, social and civil status, family origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation in our hiring and employment practice. All employees have access to the Hotel Manager in order to resolve any issues that have not been resolved by their supervisors.
Nana Golden Beach condemns all forms of child exploitation and does not recruit child labor, but supports its elimination. Nana Golden Beach also supports laws duly enacted to prevent and punish the crime of sexual exploitation of children. Nana Golden Beach will work to raise awareness concerning exploitation and cooperate with law enforcement authorities to address any such instances of exploitation while continuing to focus on supporting programs which help children break out of the cycle of poverty that makes them and their families vulnerable.
Nana Golden Beach supports the elimination of all forms of forced, bonded or compulsory labour, and does not accept the use of prison labour or illegal labour.
At Nana Golden Beach, caring for our associates means providing a safe and healthy environment at all times, ensuring that only the highest standards of health and safety are maintained for the benefit of all our employees and stakeholders. Every employee, supplier and stakeholder has a clear duty to take every reasonable precaution to maintain a safe and healthy working environment in order to avoid the possibility of injuring himself or putting at risk those with whom they work and members of the public.
Nana Golden Beach is committed to treating all employees fairly and honestly. All employees will be furnished with a written contract of employment with agreed terms and conditions, including notice of resignation from both sides. All employees are provided with adequate and reasonable rest breaks, access to drinking water and other sanitary facilities. Days off and statutory leave will also be granted to all employees. Associates have access to services and training that support their well-being and encourage personal and professional growth.
Wages will be paid regularly, on time, and will reflect the experience, qualifications and performance of the employee. All employees will be compensated according to the labour laws and statutory regulations of the country and shall be paid at least the statutory minimum wage or the prevailing industry wage. All other types of legally mandated benefits and compensations shall be paid. Employees will also be provided with detailed information pertaining to their wages in writing. Employees shall be granted and correctly compensated for any kind of paid leave to which they are legally entitled. Examples of such leave include annual leave, casual leave, accident leave, and maternity leave. Employees with whom constant communication is necessary shall be provided with company mobile phones, the costs of which are debited to the hotel. At the end of the season the best employee is announced, based on the opinion of the customers and supervisors.
Every employee shall be treated with respect and dignity. Under no circumstances do we accept the use of humiliation or corporal punishment by our suppliers, their subcontractors or other business partners. No employee shall be subject to physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse during their employment with the Company. We respect each associate’s right to decide if he or she wishes to join, or not to join, associations or labor unions, and we comply with international legal requirements regarding employee and third-party involvement.